Customer Service Representative III - O'Neill Location
  • Job Posting Expires: 4/1/2025
1M ago
$0 to $0
Full Time
Customer Services
Primary Duties

1. Assists in the development of and ensures the distribution of outreach materials to targeted community members. 

2. Recruits targeted individuals for program participation through workshops, community meetings, surveys, broadcast and print media, and other activities. 

3. Contacts local service organizations to ensure appropriate referrals are made to Midtown Health Center.

4. Keeps abreast of issues facing targeted populations. 

5. Works to continually build new relationships and maintain existing ones with current and future community entities that are providing services to consumers to promote health insurance coverage thought the Federal Marketplace. Medicaid and or CHIP along with agencies providing Social Service assistance. 

6. Responds to reuqests for assistance by assessing service needs and providing direct intervention, information and referral services as appropriate. 

7. Follow-up on referrals services as appropriate. 

8. Provides new patient orientation sessions, performs initial screening to include suitabililty and eligibility. 

9. Maintains knowledge and expertise in eligibility, enrollment and program specifications of the Federal Marketplace and other health coverage programs such as Medicaid and CHIP.

10. Assists patients and non-patients in securing access to available health, social service, and other assistance programs. Programs include but are not limited to Medicaid, SNAP, Economic Assistance (TANF), Every Woman Matters, Health Insurance Marketplace and CHIP.

11. Provides enrollment assistance to patients and non-patients to Qualified Health Plans in the Marketplace.

12. Administers the Madison County General Assistance program on behalf of Madison County to help patients and non-patients with costs within the program guidelines. 

13. Completes patient records to include eligibility documents, assessment forms, information and referral logs and other records as assigned. 

14. Maintains files and records of individuals served, services provided, outrach activities conducted, surveys completed and any other general reporting requirements. 

15. Coordinates and educates Midtown Health Center staff on opportunities for patients. 

16. Conducts public education activities to raise awareness about the Health Insurance Marketplace. 

17. Participates in regularly scheduled conference calls, meetings, and trainings to provide accurate, quality services. This includes participation in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services trainings and other required training to maintain CAC and/or Navigator certification and to enhance outreach and enrollment expertise. 

18. Provides data and other information necessary for CMS and other reporting requirements. 

19. Performs other duties as assigned. 

Duties 1-18 are designated as ADA Essential Functions and must be performed in this job. All other job duties are secondary functions.

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities